Check the JDownloader forums and search the web. If other users have reported similar issues recently, the issue is most likely not on your side. Only contact our support regarding speed issues, if: - Speed in browser- and JDownloader are clearly different - You've gone through this troubleshooting guide and were unable to identify any other causes of your speed issues other than JDownloader.
I consent for Kayako to process my data and agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy. Remember me. Lost password. Posted by pspzockerscene psp, Last modified by pspzockerscene psp on 19 August PM. Not helpful. Slow download speed Posted by pspzockerscene psp, Last modified by pspzockerscene psp on 19 August PM. Slow download speed This is a troubleshooting guide about download speed. Did you enable a speed-limit by mistake in JD? This is really a great web site.
Skip to content jDownloader is a fantastic download manager. Max simultaneous downloads The max simultaneous downloads option controls how many files you can download at one time. Disclaimers and warnings Some things to keep in mind when attempting to speed up jDownloader downloads with these settings: No tweaks or settings changes will allow you to download faster than your ISP or filehosting site allows.
There are many different things that affect how fast or slow a file will download, so changing settings may have no effect or potentially worsen your download experience.
Some downloads may not work well, or stop working altogether, if you try downloading too many files from the same website at the same time. Basically, there are three "secret" songs in the Windows Media folder, Oliver SK. Oliver is the founder and lead editor of this site. He is interested in finding new ways to break Windows, find common errors and help others to fix them. Hi raztoki There is a red line in the speed graphic, but the pause button next to the download button is not 'checked'.
If it is on pause how can I unpause it? Raztoki, Thank you! Your instructions were so simple and the fix was easy! I have no idea how I accidentally enabled the speed limit, but I was having trouble figuring out how to fix it. Thanks again, Mog. Thread Tools. The time now is