When is the latter rain in israel

Is Coronavirus from God? What is next? Are we in the end times? United States. Will it be a one-world government composed of united European nations ruled by the Antichrist prior to the return of Christ? Would the rapture of all Christians be at that time? Is the Tribulation before the Rapture or is it the other way around?

Similar Questions. According to the apostles Peter and John, the meaning of the Bible is not left to a few individuals who have secret insight into scripture 2 Peter The book of Joel deals with the future. Chapters 1 and 2 talk about the future Day of the Lord Joel ; Joel prophesies that at sometime in the future the land of Israel will be under siege by an invading army Joel , Joel describes the future repentance of Israel Zechariah The pastures will become green; the trees will grow and bear fruit v.

The grains will flourish, and they will have plenty to eat v. Verse 23 is a promise that God will restore the early and later rains. Already Israel reports that the rains have increased since Israel has returned to the land. Joel is describing literal rain, H2O. It is not a reference to Pentecost or to a future Pentecost.

Walvoord and Zuck state,. This becomes obvious when we read verse and realize that the second coming of Christ is described in similar words. When Jesus describes His second coming in Matthew He refers to the sun, sky, darkness and the moon. The word literally means to pour as one pours water from a pitcher. That is what happens when the rains fall from the clouds. The two Hebrew words sapak and yarad are not closely related.

This strongly reveals that the descent of the former and latter rains has no relationship with the pouring out of the Spirit on all mankind. The answer is logically no! The fulfillment of this prophecy will only occur during the millennial kingdom. At the beginning of the kingdom, everyone will be a Christian as a result of the Goat and Sheep judgment. For those of us who live in cities, particularly western cities, the cycle of the year does not effect us much.

Our weather may change, but ploughing, sowing, threshing and reaping have little impact on us. Western supermarkets are stocked with a vast array of foods throughout the year, and the immediate connection between the fertile earth and the food on our tables is not very clear.

Foods can be imported from countries all over the earth and land on supermarket shelves within days of being picked in some remote corner of the world. A famine in the time of Joseph forced his family to travel hundreds of kilometres to find grain, or else they would have died. No supermarkets in Canaan imported the grain from Egypt, so the famine had a serious effect on those living in Canaan.

If they do not come then, the farmer must wait for them before he can plough his ground. Job said, "They waited for me as for the rain" Job Jeremiah described lack of rain thus: "There was no rain in the earth, the ploughmen were ashamed, they covered their heads" Jeremiah Once the rain has come, the industrious farmer will start his ploughing.

Such a man will retreat into his home and enjoy the warmth of his fire, but he will miss the harvest. Thomson tells of one year when the farmers waited until the month of February for sufficient rain to enable them to plough the ground for the grain crop.


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