Forgot your password? New User? First Name. Last Name. Email Address. Ralph has the idea that the kids should wait until the morning to climb the mountain because it will be difficult to destroy the monster at night. This shows the role of responsibility to ensure that everyone is safe and calm on the island.
He shows a great amount of courage and determination to be rescued, and survive. This shows the determination and courage that he uses to protect himself. In chapter six the boys reach a part of the island that they have never seen or visited before.
They reach a thin walkway that leads to a hill scattered with small caves. As a leader, Ralph has to set an example for the boys on the island, and has to face many obstacles alone.
This is why he has to show courage and determination in front of the kids to complete the obstacles. This quote concludes the novel and shows how Ralph is relieved and accomplishes his goal of being rescued, and how he reflected back on the memories on the island, the memories of his good friend Piggy. He should have been happy but instead, he was thinking about all the evil that persists in all people. To conclude that Ralph is indeed a superior leader in the novel Lord of the Flies, he was able to possess the ability to show initiative, responsibility, courage and determination on the island.
These characteristics all make him the great leader he is. He is able to take control and charge of a group, and he is there to guide and manage the group in many difficult situations. Ralph should recognize his contribution to the island, and how he made a great impact.
Without him, the children on the island may have not been rescued. By possessing the ability to show initiative, responsibility, courage and determination on the island, transforms him into the remarkable leader he is. Ralph is the athletic, charismatic protagonist of Lord of the Flies.
Elected the leader of the boys at the beginning of the novel, Ralph is the primary representative of order, civilization, and productive leadership in the novel. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Essay How does Ralph show leadership? Ben Davis April 30, How does Ralph show leadership? What are two examples of how Ralph show leadership? How does Ralph show leadership in Lord of the Flies quotes?
How is Ralph a good leader in Lord of the Flies? Who is a better leader Jack or Ralph? Who did Piggy kill? Who all dies in LOTF? Did Ralph kill Simon? Why did Roger Kill Piggy? Why did they kill Simon? He looked at Jack. Ralph speaks in very short sentences so there is no doubt about what his orders are. However, he is not totally confident in his role and his voice wavers and he looks to Jack for approval. Ralph is presented as an attractive character from his first appearance when he is contrasted with Piggy.
He has brains and is also athletic. You could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil. Ralph has athletic qualities that would make other boys look up to him but he also has a generally kind nature which is shown in his face.
Ralph quickly realises that the two things that the boys will need are shelter and a signal to attract attention and he sees that these are achieved. He organises a sub-group to hunt for food and holds assemblies. The time had come for the assembly and as he walked into the concealing splendours of the sunlight he went carefully over the points of his speech This meeting must not be fun but be business.
He knows that the meeting will be difficult so he carefully rehearses what he is going to say and the points he is going to cover.