It looks like the secret to banishing Alduin from this world again is fighting fire with fire; or in this case, find a very special Shout. Take this kernel of knowledge and see if the Greybeards know anything about it.
Before heading out, you can also request Esbern to give you the Dragonslayer's Blessing. Last Edited: 4 Nov am. Note : The mountain on which Sky Haven Temple sits near Karthspire Camp is not accessible until you reach this mission. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Bethesda Game Studios' blockbuster open-world RPG puts players on the precipice of determining the future of Skyrim as the Empire waits for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons.
Most of his books are about dragons or the Dragonborn prophecy, and although he mentions a library in the Temple, one does not exist in-game. The multitude of stairs in the hall can be quite confusing.
From the entrance, the left-hand and central stairs lead to the main room, while the right-hand stairs lead to the side of the same room and a set of stairs to the level above Alduin's Wall. The stairs in the northwest corner of the main room split: the left-hand fork leads to the front of the sleeping quarters, while the right-hand fork leads to halfway between the sleeping quarters and the area above the wall.
The three sets of stairs in the area above the wall all lead to another small area containing five separate doors, all of which lead to the courtyard at the top of the mountain. The sleeping quarters in the northwestern corner initially contains seven unlocked chests containing minor loot, an empty set of shelves, five unowned single beds, and an old extinguished campfire.
In the middle of the room are four chairs and two empty wooden tables, one small and square and the other longer, as well as two food barrels beside a pillar. The stone dining table in the main hall points almost directly at the armory to the west. Hanging on the wall to the left are six Blades Swords , and between the wall and table is an unlocked chest containing all five pieces of the Blades equipment and some septims. Once you have completed the quest The Throat of the World and return to the temple, you will find that the braziers have all been lit, casting slightly more light, but still leaving large areas in darkness.
There are now rugs scattered on the floor throughout. The long stone table in the main chamber containing Alduin's Wall now holds an Iron Greatsword , two bottles of Alto wine , a bottle of wine , two bottles of Nord mead , a cabbage , a salmon steak , a potato , a sprig of Snowberries , several loaves of bread , and a wedge of cheese among fine crockery. Three chairs are arranged along either side of the table. To the left of the wall is a long wooden table and chair with various arms and armor , including an iron helmet , a banded iron shield , a hunting bow , a steel mace , a dwarven sword , an iron war axe , and two loose iron arrows.
On the floor to the left is a grindstone. The table and bookcase to the right of the wall is where Esbern can normally be found studying.
On the table is a salt pile , a garlic bulb, several rolls of paper, and copies of The Book of the Dragonborn and a complete set of Brief History of the Empire volumes 1—4. To the right is a set of shelves holding eleven common books and several rarer or unique books including Atlas of Dragons , Effects of the Elder Scrolls , Dragon Language: Myth no More , Flight from the Thalmor , and Remanada.
Approach the seal, interact with it, and wait for your character to feed the blood seal by cutting a palm.
The gigantic stone head will then retract; granting you access to the former blades headquarters of Sky Haven Temple. You cannot build a city in Skyrim, you can settle in a city by buying a house from the king's assistant, but you cannot build a city.
Yes No. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 9. Itay Michael. Wait for Esbern to arrive. When he arrives, there will be an option to give your blood after he finishes talking. Not Helpful 9 Helpful My best advice would be to restart the mission completely, that should do the trick. Not Helpful 12 Helpful 8. What do I do if I am not getting the option to cut my palm and I am standing in front of the giant head? The option to cut your palm comes from the circle on the ground in the front of the head.
Face downward to get the option. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 4. Knight-Sergeant Kelly Not Helpful 1 Helpful 1. Esbern must accompany you to the Temple or you will not be able to proceed, and he will not accompany you until you proceed with the questline.
Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. At this point, you can choose to either travel with the Blades or alone, heading towards the marker Delphine placed on your map. If you choose to travel alone, it may be easier to take a carriage to Markarth and then head east, as Delphine recommends. You can also take the longer route through Falkreath Hold , though this is generally easier if you have the Blades with you. Whether you went as a group or solo, when you arrive at the Karthspire Camp you will find yourself up against a horde of Forsworn , and possibly a hagraven.
Both Delphine and Esbern will arrive and assist you. Though you can stand and fight, if the battle begins to overwhelm you, it is simple to retreat into the Karthspire caverns themselves but see the Bugs section.
You will now need to journey through the interior of the Karthspire, defeating the three Forsworn, including a Forsworn Briarheart , and making your way to the beginning of the Akaviri ruins.
Heading up the stone steps on the right you will be confronted with a trio of three-sided pillars, each side inscribed with a symbol. According to Esbern, they are of Akaviri origin, but the one that matters most to you is the symbol meaning 'Dragonborn'. This symbol resembles two dragon heads facing each other and an arrow pointing down.
Activate all three pillars until this symbol is facing you. This will lower the bridge to your left, allowing you and the Blades to continue. In the next chamber you will be confronted with a floor of pressure plates, inscribed with the same three symbols as the pillars.
Once again the Dragonborn symbol is the key; stepping only on these tiles to reach the other side. Stepping off of the route will cause a fireball to be launched, so moving slowly is advisable. If you prefer, you can use the Whirlwind Sprint shout to move across without triggering the trap. Once safely on the other side, pull the chain to allow the Blades to cross, and exit the chamber.