Cthulhu saves the world where is dem

Continue following the path and you will come to another area with red torches. At this junction you should head south, you will pass through two red torches and down a set of stairs. When you pass by three statues you will see a path heading south. Head back to the statues and head west from there. Take the east path when the path splits off, and you will head up a set of stairs.

After picking up the chest, you will have to head all the way back to the red torches. So from the chest head north, you will come to a path branching off to the north. Take this north path backacross the bridge you crossed earlier.

When you go down the set of stairs you should take the north path immediately afterwards. Follow the path around and continue heading east when you pass by the three statues. When you come to the four red torches to the east head that direction to find the stairs leading to another bridge outside of R'lyeh.

Cross over this bridge and head into the giant mouth to enter the fourth floor of R'lyeh. The fourth floor will have some very long single paths with some long backtracking to get all the chests. Start heading north until you just pass two statues, you will see the path split off. Take the east path and you will cross under a bridge and then three statues before the path forks. Head back passed the statues and under the bridge to the first split you came to, and now you should take the north path up the stairs.

Immediately after coming up the stairs take the west path. This will take you around some water and passed some torches before coming down a set of stairs. Head back to the stairs and now take the east path and follow this path on and around for a ways.

While you are walking around another water area you will see a path branching off to your north. Ignore this and continue heading west down a set of stairs. You will cross under a couple of bridges, bend around another water area, and up a set of stairs before coming to a fork in the path. After picking up the chest head back to the fork, you should now take the south path. While following the path around, you will pass by a few torches both red and green.

Eventually you will come to the stairs leading to the next area of R'lyeh, however for now continue heading west past them. Use the save point to restore your mana and save your game if you would like. Once you are ready, you should head south across the bridge and follow the path until you come to a fork. After picking up the chest, you should head back to the save point and stairs. Head north from the chest and follow the path around until you come to the fork.

You should take the east path from here, as this will lead you back to the save point and stairs. Now you should be on the top of R'lyeh. Just head north up the small stairs and you will see a figure that looks an awful lot like Cthulhu. When you approach it you notice it is a giant golem Cthulhu, you will then attack the golem for the sake of the world.

Boss Fight: Golthulhu. Basic Information:. Strength: Magic: Agility: Vitality: Will: Strength: 80 Magic: 80 Agility: Vitality: 80 Will: Strength: 80 Magic: Agility: Vitality: Will: After resuing Umi from the two Gooez at the start of the game. Cthulhu: Is that a live starfish in your hair? Umi: Yes! Her name is Penta. Isn't she cute? Cthulhu: A live starfish in your hair Umi: We should explore the nearby town of Miskatonia for supplies and information about our next heroic task.

Umi: The way will be difficult but I'm sure we'll find something good on the highest floor of the Shrine of Heroes! Umi: Sharpe, doesn't it dull your blade walking around on it like that? Sharpe: Oh, I don't actually walk on my blade. It just looks like I do. I actually use magic to hover slightly above the ground. Umi: I wish I could use magic to hover. My feet are so tired from all the walking we do. Sharpe: You know it's pretty tiring to hover. It's not like it's a free ride or something.

Umi: Oh? Then I guess it's walking for me! Umi: October, how did you get to become a necromancer? October: It just sort of runs in my family. Plus, with my name being October, it just felt right to get involved in the occult. Umi: Becoming something because of your name? I wonder what that's like. October: The town of Providence lies beyond the Ghost Forest. We should probalby make that our next goal.

Umi: I wonder why no one has noticed this space ship other than the rancer. Paws: That's easy to explain. The ship has a cloaking device that is only disabled when we activate the tractor beam. Umi: Cloaking device? Side Quest 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: sergito sergito 10 years ago 1 Hi everybody I am playing cthulhu angels mode but I cant find neither dem or sara I know that both are extra bosses and that they can join to the party were are they I walked arround the entire world map and not found them Clear skies with a chance of FLAMIN' RAIN!

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