They only impart flavor to dried tobacco leaf. Please do not E-mail us with questions about using our flavoring in E-cigs, we have no experience with E-cigs and cannot help with questions regarding them.
Our flavorings are not intended for this use. We have brought back the sample size bottles! We now offer our concentrate in one ounce bottles for flavoring small amounts of tobacco.
Each one ounce bottle of flavoring mixed with 3 ounces of water will flavor 2 pounds of tobacco. The commercial companies use flavorings to smooth out tobacco, remove harshness and stinging and deliver a mellow flavored tobacco.
Now you can do the same at home with our Tobacco Flavorings. We offer two types of flavorings, Tobacco Enhancers which work to generally smooth out tobacco and remove harsh tones and Top Note Flavors which are absorbed by the tobacco to create a pleasing taste and aroma. We suggest applying a Flavor Enhancer to all home grown tobacco, allowing it to fully dry and then applying a Top Note Flavor for best results. Applying our flavors is a very simple process: 1. After tobacco has dried and cured properly, remove stems and shred tobacco into the size you will use when smoking.
Place a pound of shredded tobacco into a large open tray and start misting the tobacco with the flavoring while stirring the tobacco thoroughly.
After flavoring has been applied, cover container for hours to allow tobacco to fully absorb flavoring, then spread tobacco out on a table or shelf to dry. Stir the tobacco every 4 hours or so to facilitate drying. After 24 hours, tobacco should be ready to use. We recommend sampling a batch to insure that it has dried adequately, if it has not, allow to dry until burns evenly when lit. Store bought tobacco that has been allowed to dry out and would no longer be smoke-able can be given new life simply by adding our flavorings, using the above process.
Gives a light, mild flavor similar to the most popular premium brands sold in stores. Our most popular flavor since the beginning of our flavoring line. TOB One ounce size concentrate in sample size bottle. This bottle will flavor 2 pounds of tobacco. This bottle will flavor 15 pounds of tobacco. Each quart of concentrate will flavor 64 lbs. Each gallon of concentrate will flavor lbs. It was created to be a match for the Commerical Flavoring. Please note that this flavoring is being discontinued, after offering this flavor for many years, one of the components is no longer being manufactured.
We are offering a new flavor, TOB New Vanilla which is very close, you may want to try this one in the future. Reapply your flavoring agent to intensify the flavor. If you find that your tobacco has not yet reached the potency or level of moisture that you desire, return your tobacco to the airtight container and apply the flavoring agent as you did before.
After allowing time for infusion, remove the tobacco and allow it to dry until it is at your preferred level of moistness. Store your tobacco in an airtight container.
Mason jars are available at most grocery stores and are excellent for this purpose, so long as you buy the kind with an airtight rubber seal. You could also use tupperware or the kind of airtight jars often used to keep coffee fresh.
Remove your tobacco from the jar whenever you want to smoke and enjoy. You'll want to look for those that have a rubber seal on the lid. You can check air tightness by sealing the container and submerging it in water. If no water leaks in, it's airtight. As long as the seal on your container is not broken, your tobacco can keep for a long period of time.
Airtight seals should be used for any storage exceeding 2 months. You should check your tobacco regularly to ensure the seal has not broken and the tobacco is still good. Once a month should be enough to prevent major losses. Method 3. Attempt to flavor your tobacco with popular infusions. It is very common for cigars to tobacco to be infused with fruit flavors, like cherry, apricot, and blackcurrant.
Alcoholic drinks are also popular for tobacco infusion, especially: Rum Whiskey Wine [13] X Research source. Infuse your tobacco with liqueurs. Liqueurs are generally strong flavored alcohols with a pungent scent.
Common liqueurs include flavors like amaretto, coffee, chocolate, berry flavors, hazelnut, melon, and anisette licorice flavor. Creamy or sugary liqueurs can create stickiness in your tobacco and should probably be avoided or used extremely sparingly. Try infusing flavors with essential oils. Popular essential oils used in tobacco flavoring include citrus flavors, like lemon and orange, flower scents, like lavender and rose, and more.
You should always look up the usage information of an essential oil before using it in your infusions. Some essential oils are not safe to ingest or smoke. Essential oils are very potent and should be used very sparingly for your tobacco infusions. In most cases, a few drops on a flavoring pad or diluted in water or a carrier liquid for pipe tobacco will be enough.
Perk up your tobacco with a shot of coffee. Coffee is a popular flavor that is used in everything from liquor to candy, and coffee might add a pleasing flavor to your tobacco.
When infusing cigars, you should probably keep the cigar from touching the grounds directly. Cigars are very absorbent, and an overpowering infusion could ruin the cigar. Experiment with combining flavors. You may have noticed that some of the more nuanced flavored tobaccos use more than one flavor in its profile. You may want to imitate these or try a new combination of your own to create a unique, personal flavoring for your tobacco.
Some combinations you might want to try include: Blackcurrant and wine [17] X Research source Vanilla and cherry Cinnamon and whiskey Coffee and amaretto. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. A cheap flavoring agent will often yield cheap tasting tobacco.
A higher quality flavoring agent generally makes a better flavor for the smoke. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Adding flavoring is also a great way to revitalize tobacco that has become brittle and dry. Take the old dried out stuff in the drawer, and mix it with your flavoring agent in the manner described for flavoring pipe tobacco. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0.
Smoking has been linked to lung disease, cancer, and other negative health side effects. Helpful 2 Not Helpful You should avoid storing your pipe tobacco in a humidor. This could actually leech moisture from your pipe tobacco and affect its flavor profile.
Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1. Related wikiHows How to. How to. More References 9. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: February 2, Categories: Cigars Pipe Smoking. Article Summary X Flavoring cigars is a fairly simple process. Deutsch: Zigarren oder Pfeifentabak aromatisieren. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times.
Recently a good friend in a neighboring county who grows tobacco on his farm gave me intact leaves. I am now trying to flavor these leaves with a mixture of natural honey and good well water.
I'm experimenting in small batches to start, hoping to roll up cigars as good as "Backwoods" cigars eventually. If you need to add "after market" flavors to the tobacco because you don't like the taste, maybe smoking isn't for you.
Dec 14, 9, 21 Birmingham, AL. I bought a 2 oz spray bottle from the dollar store. Filled it with Christian Bros. A couple of light spritzes over a couple of bowls worth of 1Q Let dry. Mmmmmm good stuff. I think you missed my point. Either way what you smoke is preference and I respectfully disagree with the idea that the way tobacco comes in a tin or pouch is the way you should smoke it and that because I may want something different that I should not smoke at all.
I just don't believe that there is a way that smoking a pipe is "meant" to be other than the one you decide for yourself. Sorry to highjack the thread, I will say nothing more unless it is advice on flavoring. Wow what an obnoxious comment to make on here. One of my fav things to do is add flavouring to plain tobacco.
The flavour choices here in rural Nova Scotia is limited so iv'e experimented and made some over the yrs that i liked very much. In future, if one is going to shoot down someone else's, then maybe ya better not comment at all. No offense meant, nsfisher. Opinions were solicited and I offered mine. Anyway, I wrote "maybe" Those who know me will tell you that I don't let the possibility of being wrong prevent me from stating an opinion. But that's the whole point of discourse, isn't it?
Dec 9, 0 The Water. Why not just jar it for a while, maybe mix them together into a kinda randoms-jar? Or just keep them straight, maybe you'll like them better in a few Please strike my previous comment from the record and accept apologies.
No worries, ns. Sep 14, 5, 12, Detroit. Dec 31, 63 0. I think this is a great topic, I must admit although not for everyone I really enjoy vanilla tabacco. Lately I have found cigarettes called Black Devil special blend and they are my favorite. I guess they are a hit with the kiddies but I don't care about their trend a good smoke is a good smoke, I was skeptical at first when I bought them but was very wrong to be.
There was only one other cigarette in the world I liked as much as these and they were called Springwaters.