Who is penance in final fantasy x

But then penance is destroyed. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account?

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I bet if the monster arena owner released some of his creations into Sin they would tear Yu Yevon and Braska's final aeon to shreds. I think Yu Yevon was so weak because he was always relying on the strength of the Final aeon s to defend himself and whatnot. Seriously, doesn't anyone have a clue what Penance is? Surely you guys can come up with something, or, in case you can't, just tell me my theory is correct? My ego requires inflating! Penance was a judge created by Yu Yevon Or maybe Shuyin or maybe some random dude intended to really kick the asses of bad criminals with humor, which was made partly by angered pyreflies..

Criminals was brought on an airship to Penance, and Penance killed them very very painfully. It could go all over Spira, a good bonus. Travelled to Zanarkand, Besaid, Kilika, anywhere. But when the Bevelle vs Zanarkand war happened, and Sin was created, Penance had to be hid because it was too awesome.

Sin would annhilate Penance easily. But the pyreflies didn't respond because it wasn't that serious. This was serious. Braska's Final Aeon. Malboro Menace. Cactuar King. Abyss Worm. Don Tonberry. Ultima Weapon. Omega Weapon.

Jumbo Flan. Nega Elemental. Sleep Sprout. Bomb King. Earth Eater. Greater Sphere. Ultima Buster. Dark Valefor. Dark Ifrit. Dark Ixion. Dark Shiva. Dark Bahamut. Dark Yojimbo. Dark Anima. Dark Cindy.

In the first stage, its main attack is Obliteration, a group physical attack that inflicts Slow. In the second stage, Penance will begin using Immolation, which is a single-target physical attack that also drains all the MP from the victim and always causes Armor Break and Mental Break. Penance gains Haste upon entering the second form, but this only lasts for one turn. It is not possible to soft reset while being attacked by Judgement Day.

Penance requires both its arms active to perform this move. Unlike Dark Yojimbo 's Zanmato, it will not dispel Auto-Life , but the arms will get turns after reviving and are likely to finish the party off before they get a chance to recover. There is a secret counter for Judgement Day and Penance uses it when the counter reaches The counter increases by one every time the party inflicts damage on it, and by one every time it uses Immolation.

Penance is imbued with Auto-Protect while in the first form, and with its high defenses, ordinary weapons will barely make a dent. Only the Celestial Weapons , which ignore all defenses, will be useful. The arms will do most of the damage during the battle, but it is possible to prevent the arms from ever getting a turn. Both have powerful physical attacks, with the right arm able to petrify and instantly shatter a character, and the left will dispel any positive statuses.

It is twice as powerful as Dark Anima 's Mega-Graviton. The arms will drop Dark Matter , or rarely, Master Sphere , after each defeat, and even if the player flees from the battle they receive the rewards, making it sometimes more useful to farm Penance for the valuable items.

Unlike most enemies, the arms do not give extra rewards for an Overkill ; the body however, does give extra. In the HD Remaster and the International versions, overkilling the body will also cause an Overkill pop up to appear on any arms that are present. Any party members can be used, but Rikku is recommended because of her Mixes. To use the recommended armor, a large supply of X-Potions is required for Auto-Potion and the party must not have any supply of Potions and Hi-Potions.

This will have her use the Ultra Nul-All Overdrive which has the same effect as using Cheer five times. Make sure to defeat the Left Arm and Right Arm as soon as they spawn and every time that they spawn. That being said, you should allow for a quick break in between defeating the Left Arm and the Right Arm for the first time. You will also need to use Dispel on any party member that gets hit by Immolation.

Immolation will cause the Armor Break status effect which will cause the next attack to do extra damage and potentially KO one of your party members. You should have your characters use Quick Hit for every attack to ensure that they get as many attacks in as possible on the main body when both arms have been defeated.

Even with Quick Hit , this battle will still take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Elixir common Megalixir x2 rare. Master Sphere x3. You will earn the Perseverance Trophy after the battle has concluded.

You will recieve the Perseverance Trophy once you have defeated Penance. Trophies are optional achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks in the PS4 version of the game.


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